jueves, 15 de febrero de 2018

Blog Reflection

Diego J. Gonzalez

Prof. Cynthia Pittmann

INGL 3103-134

15 february 2018

Blog Reflection:

This project was overall the one that was made the most complicated for me because I had never worked with something like a blog before. I liked the process of writing and then having it be published because it made me feel like an actual writer but a the same time it put on a certain level of pressure and made me a little anxious. But in the end I was able to put on some good writing and finally come out with a satisfying product. In the end I enjoyed the project even though it was a little complicated at the beginning I was able to come out with something I was proud of.

Group Reflection

Diego J. Gonzalez

Prof. Cynthia Pittmann

Group: English Thunder

INGL 3103-134

15 february 2018

Group Reflection:

Oh my dear English group, what a great bunch of guys they are! We started off as just a bunch of boys who were going to take an English class and ended up turning into friends. I will always appreciate having a doubt about something and having them always be there for me no matter what its something that really means a lot to me and will always be grateful for. They were always responsible with their works, and very aware of the things we had to do and how we had to do them and that was very helpful for me because I always seemed to forget something. Overall they were a very nice group of people and I sincerely hope that we can continue to remain as friends even after semester.

Life compass reflection

Diego J. Gonzalez Martinez

Prof. Cynthia Pittmann

INGL 3103-134

15 february 2018

Life Compass Reflection:

The life compass project for me was a somewhat complicated project for me to realize. At first it was difficult because I didn’t understand it completely, I did not know how to judge the ratings I would be giving in the compass and that was the whole point of the project. I started off by rating things randomly for what they seemed, I knew that this wasn’t entirely correct, but it was an idea that could eventually guide me into doing it correctly. I eventually started to understand how to rate the compass reflecting on my mood and how I felt that day, this had different results but out of 12 the results would be constant 7s, 8s, and 9s. Even though this result would be constant the number for each category would also change, I never had the same compass twice. Towards the end I took the compass as the most important part of the project and tried to rate it as accurately as possible, which is why in the end it helped me a lot to reflect on myself and the fact the it went so well with the journal was perfect and overall made the project a very nice experience

About men Reflection

Diego J. Gonzalez Martinez

Cynthia Pittmann

English 3103 134

6 February 2018

Reflection: About men

This essay speaks about how people see men, but this particular author makes take a different view on them or at least on the example that she sets, cowboys. Being a man myself I can agree with some of the points she states through the essay, like the fact the all men are soft inside. There’s at least one subject that can get any man soft it can be something personal or general but no man is made out of stone like some people picture them. In the essay she also mentions that cowboys work with animals and that to do so they must be nice and treat them well and this contributes to her point on men being soft. Overall I can partially agree with the author and I believe in some of her points as I’ve seen proof of this in my self and many other cases.

Journal Reflection Essay

Diego J. Gonzalez Martinez

Prof. Cynthia Pittman

English 3103- 134

18 January 2018

Journal reflection Essay:

In this essay I will be talking about the journal project and my personal experience with it during the semester, I would like to start my essay with my initial thoughts on the project. At first, I thought that it would be a lot of work because we would have to do it every day, and I was partially right. Writing a 10 minutes journal everyday was very tiring not the journal itself but just the process of it, because I personally considered that 10 minutes was a lot of time to write about the first thing that comes to your mind. This was probably the fact that I disliked the about the journal having to write for so long without a specific theme that would help me elaborate on my writing, it became a struggle. But in do time it became a lot easier for me since as I was going through the college experience at the same and that provided me material o talk about in my journals and that made the 10 minutes go by a lot quicker and I worried less about the time struggle until it wasn’t a struggle at all.

With the passing journals I noticed that there were some recurring themes in them, this was the product of the time struggle I mentioned at the beginning as well as the fact that I could not stop writing during this time to at least organize my thoughts. This rule about not being able to stop writing for the whole ten minutes was also a challenge for me my hand would get tired and it hurt and therefore my attention would automatically be driven to that completely changing my train of thought. The only way that I got more comfortable with this rule was by getting use to it to the point where I knew I had to write for ten straight minutes, so I just did and payed no attention to my hand hurting, in other words I simply decided to ignore it. Another thing that did not play in my favor for this project was that I sometimes thought about too many things at the same time and I could not keep up with my writing it wasn’t reflected in the journals as whoever reads it won’t know how fast I was going or at least trying to go so this was more of an internal problem that only affected me and my process of thought. But once I got these struggles all dealt with by time itself it was very easy for me write and the journals where relaxed and came out much better.

What surprised me most about this project was what actually came out in my journals, I like the fact that I could write about whatever I wanted and, yet I wrote about things I usually wouldn’t talk about at all. The first journals I wrote where very messy and did not grasp a solid idea but once I got use to them I was able to write about a topic for the entirety of the journal, some of these topics where very personal and would normally never be spoken of. I wrote about my parents’ marriage and how rough it was for me, this is something that has impacted my life heavily and so its constantly on my mind and, so it was somewhat constant in my journals. I talked about my ex-girlfriend and how my relationship changed me, it heavily influenced my life and had a large impact in it therefore I thought of it constantly and it made its way into my journals frequently, not the best thing to talk about, but rules are rules and if that’s what came to my mind at the time that’s what I had to redact a journal about. There were times when nothing came to mind and I just had to improvise something to write, at these times I mostly talked about a particular song on my head or how my day had been up until that moment since after all nobody was supposed to read this journal.

At times I could not write a journal when I suppose to, week days this was mostly do to me being very lazy that day or that I simply forgot to do them, and this was a very big setback because I would fall behind in them and be forced even in weekends. I mostly fell behind on journals on days like thanksgiving and Christmas where I had family things to attend and was unable to find the time to write, I also considered that special occasions where not a time to do college work, so I was unbothered about the situation and just wrote on the weekends. Writing on a weekend was exactly the same as writing in a weekday except that I didn’t have to and that’s what truly annoyed me about the entire situation having to write on my journal free day. Even though this was very annoying the biggest problem with falling behind on my journals was that if I didn’t get back on track on time I was not going to have the assigned 40 journals at the end of the semester and that would mean that I was going to get points deducted probably and that’s exactly what I was trying to avoid because to me this journal was easy points so there was no room for mistakes like that.

The journal helped me in some way or another with my writing because of how long they were I can say they really loosened up my wrist for future assignments in which I had to write a lot by hand. They helped me relieve my stress when I was going through a hard time with college or if I just wanted to get something of my chest or a situation that bothered me. It gave me a sense of time and how much I can accomplish in a certain amount as well as helping me express the ideas in my writing more fluidly. I also discovered that there’s a lot of words that I don’t know how to spell and with this journal I was able to realize which ones they were and correct them before I used them incorrectly in any other assignment. Overall I consider the journal to be very helpful for all that I realized during it and for the things that it taught me and im very happy I was able to have the experience of writing it.


Cross Road Story

Diego J. Gonzalez Martinez

Prof. Cynthia Pittman

Class: English 3103- 134

Date: 9 January 2018

Cross Road story:

It was about 11:40 at night only 20 minutes left for me to accept the plane ticket to another country or let the offer expire and continue my life here, probably the biggest decision of my life and its right here in front of me waiting to be answered. Its crazy to think about how this one text message could change my life so much just a simply yes or no could define my life in two completely different ways, and I was about to choose one of them. Before clicking the send button, I thought to myself what happens if I stay? I continue my life as normal Ill go to a local college try and find a good employment and make my life where I’ve always been. But what happens if I accept the plane ticket and move to a different country? I get to start my life from scratch, a new place, new people, and a new life style for sure. What will work for me the most? And why would it? All these questions where in my head as I looked at the time and saw that there were only 10 minutes left until the offer expired but how was I going to decide? I simply thought to myself how will I be the happiest? That’s when all my friends, family and loved ones came to mind, all the good memories fun times and important events popped up as well and then I imagined leaving all of that behind. I immediately realized that I could not do that and at 11:55 at night with only 5 minutes left I rejected the plane ticket and offer and stayed here where I call home and will be happy.

Salvation Reflection

Diego J. Gonzalez

Prof. Cynthia Pittman

Class: English 3103-134

Date: 26 December 2017

Reflection Salvation:

Salvation is a short story about a young man named Langston who is attending his aunts church because he wants to be saved by Jesus. In this story we can see how in the process if salvation all of the other younglings pass forward to the altar as they  have seen Jesus and are now being saved. But Langston has yet to see Jesus and therefore is not passing to the altar. As this is happening he is being surrounded by other church members so they can pray for him, under the pressure of him consuming time and the loud prayers he decides to go to the altar even though he has not seen Jesus and is not ready to be saved. Upon arriving to his home he begins to cry at night in his sleep because he believe that Jesus has not saved him, as a result of this event Langston no longer believes in God and becomes an atheist.

What to me is most clear in this story is that religion can have put pressure upon a person, it also creates standards that not necessarily fit a person. We can see this in the story as Langston is forced to walk to the altar before time because he feels that he is consuming too much time, also the fact that he does not see Jesus in time makes him think that he abandoned him and therefore he becomes an atheist.